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Keyboard Amps

Keyboard Amps - If you want to be heard as a keyboardist, you don't have many options.
Keyboard Amps

1. Introduction

Welcome to the online guide for keyboard amps!

As a keyboard player if you want to be heard or simply hear yourself play outloud, you don't have many options. The classical PA solution, in which the key player sends their instrument's signal through a mixer and recieves a monitor signal back, only makes sense on larger stages due to the high material costs. In the rehearsal room this solution is also no good because which band uses monitoring in those situations? The best alternative is the use of a powerful keyboard amplifier. That way you can be heard at a sufficient volume by your bandmates and by the public when playing on many kinds of stages - last but not least, you can also hear yourself with one. Even if you play through a larger PA, the amp won't go unused as a good sounding personal monitor.

Keyboard amps can also be of interest for entertainers in smaller venues, these devices can make bringing and setting up a PA system completely unneccesary.

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