It took months of playing to wear out one of these. Then I just sharpened off the worn bevel on a hard surface and it's good to go for at least another month and a half. Probably the most durable pick I've had. For reference, I wear out a dunlop primetone triangle (a very durable pick) in about a month! A triangle is essentially 3 picks, mind you ;)
I love the grip and the TONE! Great attack, especially on the wound strings- it gives them clarity and punch. I use it only on electric.
I'm guitar pick aficionado - I have a huge collection and I like to experiment, get different tones from different materials and shapes.
I play with fingers 50% of the time still..
The HB exotic picks are a great deal I think - cheap, last a long time, sound great.
If anyone at Thoman reads these - please make them in OTHER SHAPES as well - like... triangles. Thanks