I was about buying the hardshell case for my IEM, but then I realized that I have quite a number of other items that belong to the IEM and I'd have to carry another small bag with it to fit its belongings.
This bag despite not being a hard-case, it still is sturdy enough so I'm quite confident in saying it's road worthy. the foaming around the receiver and the lid is quite thick and stiff. I wouldn't be much worried about accidental falls, but I wouldn't let any cars run over it.
it has a good space in the back where it accommodates my transmitter, receiver, antenna, two 1m XLR cables for connecting to the mixer, a 6m headphone extension cord (just in case I want to go wired), AC adapter, my main in-ear headphones plus a spare one (because why not), an extra pack of four AA batteries (again because why not) and a few more small items. the only downside I can think of, is that it lacks a carry handle and can be carried only by the shoulder strap. I solved it by a short visit to a nearby cobbler shop where they also repair bags, and they added a handle to it for me, and now it's simply perfect.
it sits on our IEM rack and I connect the two extension cords and the AC adapter through the back zip and I'm ready in 30 seconds.