This strap is exactly what you expect that it would be. Simple, sturdy and affordable. Especially for the price, it does what I expected it to do: hold a bass up.
In terms of comfort, it is good enough if you take a break or only play for a bit, but has very little padding so long sessions may be a bit uncomfortable. The material is strong and tough so it will hold up the bass and provide good support, but also might cut into one's shoulder. The belt is of a medium width, not too narrow but also not that wide. There are lots of positions and holes available so it is adjustable to fit most sizes of guitars and people.
It does not look like the strap will slip off of the strap buttons on its own, but I've only had it for a few weeks, so I am not sure how it will hold up over time. If you were really active and dancing around or rocking out on stage a lot, I would probably suggest something with a bit more features.
I would recommend this item to anyone looking for something simple and affordable and using it for short sessions..