I bought the bag with a MOOG GRANDMOTHER synthesizer. I got it for free as part of a special sale from the manufacturer. The bag is high quality, but also very expensive. I would say too expensive. Honestly, I would never have bought it if it weren’t for the special sale.
I was thinking of buying a MOOG GRANDMOTHER synthesizer regardless of the bag, and I was planning to buy a Thomanns bag for Behringer Odyssey synthesizer that is big enough for a MOOG synthesizer as well.
( Thomann Mixer Bag Behringer Odyssey ). It turned out better than planned. The bag is really very high quality, strongly padded and made to measure with the MOOG GRANDMOTHER synthesizer.
It has rear carrying straps on the back as well as a shoulder strap, lots of compartments, and everything is made in a quality way with a lot of style that can be expected from a MOOG. I recommend for all those owners of MOOG GRANDMOTHER synthesizers who can afford a little more spending. And for those who have not yet bought a MOOG GRANDMOTHER synthesizer, I say : "Now is the time to buy it."