I bought this cabel to connect two of my pedals and it does a really good job at it! It's an almost perfect size - neither to long, nor does it take up a lot of space, and it allows you to have the pedals apart if needed as well as pressed right next to each other.
The only downside of this cable would be the fact that the jacks get easily unscrewed up to a point and I always have check whether they have started to unscrwe themselves. On the other hand, that's a problem easily fixed and without any practical effect - it's normal for a cabel to have the jack protection unscrewed, just don't panic if it happens :)) just screw it back up.
Furthermore, the cable's woven, so it's more durable and doesn't get dirty as easily as other cables.
All in all, it's a good part of a pedalboard and it's not that pricey.