This is one hell of a metronome!
I was expecting something robust and heavy but instead I got something light-weighted, yet really well-made, durable, and built with trust-worthy materials (that look really nice, too! - I love the looks of alder solid wood).
The mechanical mechanism is great (super accurate) and the bell can be easily programmed. The sound is a classic - it doesn't sound "fake", like modern plastic, but "real", like old wood and I, really like that! The bell sounds quite good, too (yet, if you program if too fast the beats will become just one ugly mess of sound but that's natural, I suppose - it is made to sound sporadical and not beat-to-beat, like the metronome itself).
It's not really portable so, for that, I would recommend a digital (smaller) one.
It is certainly an investment but if you're a musician, like me, you'll need one that will last you for life and this is the one for the job!