It sounds great, trying to think of some words... Loud, warm, very clear, crisp but not harsh, very little/none noise. The high strings were a tad quieter so I raised them maybe 5-7.5 degrees? Just barely really. The bridge pickup is plenty twangy. Versatile sound, great both clean and distorted. I was surprised I could find an "acoustic-like" sound with these pickups that I was satisfied with. I was convinced that will be impossible, nay, landed it perfectly!
Now, I'm a dumbass and I mixed up the screws, put in large screws in the neck pickup and two of the small screws in the bridge pickup. And no idea how I selected the rubber... Yea...
Wish there was a manual that said which screws belong where. Or I don't know, a picture in the item album in the eshop. As I said, dumbass. Otherwise, the wiring diagram took a stern look but I got it done in like what, 40 minutes? And I've not taken up the solder for over 10 years now
I'm quite the amateur but I'd say the bridge pickup is quite bassy while the bridge is sort-of middle-y. (But don't listen to the dumbass)