I love this pedal. I watched a lot of videos and reviews and I risked buying it without trying it first. I was rewarded. It can have a huge sound. I own several guitars, some with humbuckers. But these days I have set up my rig based on a stratocaster. I was amazed by the big sound this pedal could make out of my single coils. Tonewise I can get anything from bright over-the-edge fuzz, to bass heavy clipping, sounding like a torn speaker. And everything in between, with ease. The saturation can be huge, but it can also be subtle, giving only some even harmonics. A smooth octave with some saturation. With the guitar volume turned back a bit, I can get the Santana's Black Magic Woman tone.
Overall I was hapilly surprised and totally satisfied.
Also it makes a good pair with th EQD Zoar, which can give me an edge going into the Hizumitas, resulting in a more defined articulation without compromising the fuzz massive clipping.