Firstly, the mount on which the seat itself rests can easily be removed - this is a design flaw as it means you can accidentally have it set too high and break it over time (for comparison, I have a Tama First Chair which has a set maximum height, so no risk of breakage or injury).
Secondly, it's like sitting on a plump cushion. If you like a soft, squidgy throne that sighs as you sit down on it, you'd probably like this. The throne overall is solid and otherwise clearly well-made. I also own the DW9000 Air Lift Throne and it's the best thing I've ever sat on. Firmer is better and much healthier for your back/spine, and this model feels far too soft and giving. I'm surprised at the lack of proper weight support when compared to the 9000, as they're supposedly not a million miles off from each other.
It's a quality, well-made throne, but for my liking it's far too soft and squishy. If you want to support your back and physical health (as we all should, especially drummers) you're much better off with a firmer throne, such as the DW9000, as expensive as it is! I'll be returning this and finding something with better, firmer support.