I was a bit concerned with the low price and an international order meeting my needs. Upon arrival, which was exactly on time from Germany to Texas, USA, matched there tracking system exactly. I was taken by the quality, design and attention to assembly detail. The latches are top quality, the boarders and framing are strong yet light. The handles are well placed for handling in different positions. The THON label was well thought out, being positioned on the top left of the case, making it easy to know the mixer position when setting up. The firm internal foam padding is well placed for the mixer ventilation and firm fit. The top drops into perfect position over the mixer with exact alignment for a proper, effortless latching. All the mixer connections, top and rear, are exposed for all in/out connections with the board remaining snuggly in the base of the case. The corners are designed to easily slide in and out without dragging the entire case. In my 40 years of playing out in the Texas heat, I’ve never experienced a case in this price range coupled with such quality. I have always admired German design and craftsmanship. Seeing the Thomann Case Factory “Made in Germany” label made me realize why this product is so well engineered. The best surprise was the price for such quality. This company takes care of working musicians in these difficult times.
My thanks and compliments to all those at Thomann.