Aesthetics are very good. Mine is of white color, painted really well. Seat fabric made of velvet, looks very nice. Build quality seems to be well made at first sight.
Stability on the other hand is not so great. The seat starts to woble a bit to the sides when the seat is heightened. This may probably be fixed, because mechanicaly there seems to be no major faults. There is also a single screw underneath which I've found to fix everything if I tighten it all the way to the side after I set up the correct seat height. It is not very comfortable though if you change the seat height very often (schools?). Just have in mind that stability issue could be fixed with this method.
Apart from that I think that it is worth the money. I couldn't find a cheaper bench on the market and I'm quite happy about the purchase on this.
UPDATE: after I used it for a year or so, the bolts that keep the bench together keeps untighting, so be prepared to keep everything in check and do necessary adjustments every once in a while. Still, I think it's a very good deal for the low price.