I bought this bag to put a Modal Argon8 synthesizer in it. I wasn't sure it would fit because the Argon8 is 0.5 cm longer. Another option was the Thomann effect pedal bag, which is twice as cheap, but also less padded. I decided on this bag, because there was no other bag at that moment, and I didn't want to wait. Modal Argon8 fits in a bag! Not smooth because the bag is well padded, and the Argon8 is still a tad longer. When it fits and when you tie it with velcro straps, there is no way it will move inside the bag. And that's actually a very good thing, considering that the Argon8 has a joystick instead of wheels, which is protected due to the depth of the bag and its good padding.
I am very satisfied with the bag.