I have ordered this bass twice, first time came with a scratch and, above all, with a bended bridge, which made the first two frets unplayable. Thomann return policy worked great and I have ordered it again, this time asking Thomann to make a full check, set up and to mount the thumbrest with the condition "no more money back", which is fine, it is Thomann, right? Right.
After almost a month waiting, what I have got was a bass with a constant buzzing unless I always hold my hand still on the strings. 2 different cables, 2 different speakers, same issue. But the other bass I own never such problem. FYI the first one didn't have it I have tried to tell Thomann that "something" didn't work. Even made an audio to prove it. Long story short (after more than 2 hours of chat) bass goes to Fender, if Fender finds something faulty, only the Thomann service will be refunded. And the (now-unwanted) bass will return. Stay away from this piece, please.