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6. Accesories

Now, let's talk accessories and small details that are essential for your modular synthesizer setup. The most crucial accessory, without which a modular synthesizer won't function, is patch cables. These come in various lengths and colors from many manufacturers. In terms of functionality, they all work the same. However, if you're starting with a small case like an Intellijel Palette or a Doepfer A-100 LC1 Low-Cost Case, it might be helpful to consider the thickness of the plug enclosures. Thinner enclosures can be advantageous for tight, complex patches, as it can become challenging to reach all the patch points otherwise.

Stackcables: Cables and Mults in One

This is especially important if you plan to use Stackcables in parallel. These slightly more expensive specialized cables from Tiptop Audio were inspired by banana plug cables used in Buchla synthesizers. Like their predecessors, they have an open jack above each plug. This feature allows you to patch the same signal to multiple destinations, making them both cables and signal splitters. You can even stack multiple Stackcables together to send information like clock or an LFO to more than two destinations!

Stackcable vervielfältigen Signale und schicken eine Kopie direkt auf ein Ziel.
Stackcables duplicate signals and send a copy directly to a destination.

Another option to consider is the Monomults by Black Market Modular. These star-shaped, passive multiples can distribute a CV signal up to five times, regardless of where the input voltage comes from. They replace multiple modules in your rack, saving valuable rack space. However, you will need some space on your workspace to store them while patching.

Keeping It Clean and Smooth

When getting into Eurorack, it's crucial to pay attention to the condition of your modules. Dust can make potentiometers feel scratchy, which is why having a brush or a cleaning tool like the Befaco Synth Duster can contribute to the longevity of your equipment. Knurlies, small thumb screws with washers from Befaco, protect modules from the infamous "rack rash." If module panels have no scratches from regular screws, their resale value remains higher. Knurlies come in two sizes for different rack rails, each with a rough surface for better grip and a head cutout for a Phillips screwdriver.

Knurlies erleichtern die Montage von Modulen und schützen sie mit Unterlegscheiben vor Kratzern.
Knurlies make module mounting easier and protect them from scratches with washers.

Lastly, there are several accessories that help keep your studio organized. Particularly, for larger enclosures or multiple Euroracks, you might consider getting a cable holder, such as the one from Erica Synths. This holder can be mounted on shelves, walls, or table edges to keep your cables neat and straight when not in use. For some cases, like those from Moog and Behringer, there are stands available that allow you to stack them efficiently. This is definitely something to consider for better organization!

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