#293 Manufacturer Ranking
26 products

About Numark

Company Headquarters United States
Available from us since 1995
Items in stock 22
Ø Availability 95.71% (1 Year)

The company's headquarter of the company is in Cumberland (USA). company employs 76 members of staff (status 2010). The official German branch office is company Numark Deutschland GmbH in Willich (D).

Currently we have 26 Numark products 25 of them directly available in our Treppendorf warehouse (and of course they can be tested as well in our shop) and 3 offers are in our current Hot Deals. We've had Numark products in our range since 1995.

With a total of 891 media, reviews and test reports about Numark products you will find a substantial amount of additional information on our website e.g. the following 316 pictures, 14 different 360 panoramic views, 532 customers' reviews and 29 test reports from magazines (in several languages).

At the moment you will find Numark top sellers in the following product categories DJ Controllers, DJ Mixers, MP3 Players, Turntables and Miscellaneous DJ Accessories.

With an excellent availability of 95% Numark is among the top 10 percent of our brands. 25 out of a total of 26 items of this brand in our product range are currently in stock.

Numark products are at the top of our visitors popularity scale. Within the last month the Numark product range was hit at Thomann Online Store over 9.000 times.

Famous musicians who use Numark are DJ Jam Master J, Jazzy Jay, DJ Fly, DJ Premier, Pascal Feos and DJ Sol Messiah amongst others.

Thomann is also cheaper on Numark products than most of the other competitors. Within the last three months we have reduced the prices of 13 Numark products. Additionally we offer extremely favourable prices on different products included as sets or as returned items.

We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Numark products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.numark.de

Numark company logo
Numark company logo
Numark Axis
Numark Axis
Numark Mixer
Numark Mixer

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