#430 Manufacturer Ranking
82 products

About Eminence

Company Headquarters United States
Available from us since 1997
Items in stock 59
Ø Availability 91.73% (1 Year)

The business Eminence Speaker LLC was founded in the year 1966 by Bob Gault. The general office of the business is in Eminence, Kentucky (USA). The number of employees is 160 (status 2010). The official German branch office is business Adam Hall GmbH in Neu-Anspach (D).

At the moment we have 82 Eminence products - 56 of them are . Eminence has been a part of our range since 1997.

To help you further with information on Eminence products, you will find also product descriptions 3671 media, tests and opinions about Eminence products - amongst them the following 541 pictures, 3125 customer reviews and 5 test reports from magazines (in several languages).

At the moment you will find Eminence top sellers in the following product categories Loudspeaker 15 Inch, Coaxial Loudspeaker Elements, Speaker Components for High-Frequency Range, Tweeter 1 Inch and Loudspeakers for Guitar/Bass Use.

The current top seller is Eminence Delta-12A 8 Ohm an all time favourite among Eminence products is the following item Eminence Kappa-15LFA. We have sold this over 5.000 times.

Eminence only grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products but with the 3-Year Thomann Warranty you are covered for a further one year.

Many famous musicians use Eminence equipment amongst them the following Mike Zito, Brent Wilson, The Worx, Velcro Pygmies, Jimmy Thackery, Scott Tarulli, Nick Sterling, Dave Sheldon, Chris Sanders and Savannah Jack.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.eminence.com

Eminence company logo
Eminence company logo
The Eminence Final Assembly process
The Eminence Final Assembly process
Eminence Speaker
Eminence Speaker

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